Thank you for pledging a gift to our ministry in Spain. We are excited to partner with you and to be an extension of your hands and feet across the world.
Online Giving Instructions
To set up a gift, please visit WorldVenture's giving site. Once you're there, you can create a secure account and then search for the Miller family (it should automatically take your to our account) . After finding us, you'll be able to start a commitment or make a one time special donation. Then you'll be given options on how you want to fulfill your gift. You will receive an email confirmation after you finish. If you don’t receive an email confirmation, your gift likely didn’t go through.
Giving by Check
Please contact WorldVenture directly at giving@worldventure.com or 720-283-2000 (choose option 1 when prompted and leave a voice mail). They will set up the gift/commitment and give you instructions on where to send the first check. WorldVenture's mailing address is 20 Inverness Place East, Englewood, CO 80112-5622. You will need to include a note in the envelope that mentions the gift is for Millers/Spain. Once you send the first check, you’ll receive a receipt in the mail along with a return envelope for the next gift.
All donations are tax-deductible and you will receive a gift summary from WorldVenture (our sending agency) each year. If you have any trouble getting this set up, please call WorldVenture directly at 720-283-2000 ext 2600.